Minecraft is a blank canvas just waiting for you to make your mark. Maybe I thrive off random adventures, or maybe it’s the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing my first house in Minecraft – but either way, these are two reasons why this game has become one of my favorites since its release five years ago. The open-world style and lack of linearity mean there’s no “right” way to play; instead what matters most is doing something different from anyone else who plays so they can experience their own unique adventure!
Minecraft isn’t about playing it a specific way–it’s an open world, begging you to jump right in and do whatever you want with it! Like any review, mine will be based on personal experiences
Infinite world, infinitely replayable.
Addictive, mind-consuming gameplay.
Satisfyingly creative.
Easy online and local multiplayer.
Numerous materials to gather and items to craft.
Animal friends and monstrous enemies.
Iconic design.
A true sandbox.
The grinding gets old.
Uneven learning curve.